The main requirements of promotional product manufacturers are high output, laser marker versatility, and the marking of special designs.
Aesthetics play a dominant role here, so the choice of laser marker and marking parameters is more important than with any other type of laser marking.
LASIT usually provides free testing on promotional products to help us identify the best laser from among the 13 different sources in our laboratory.
We identify the best option based on the material the product is made from. In terms of laser marking quality, source selection is fundamental. On the other hand, automation and the laser marking system are important factors to meet production needs.
The laser source we recommend most often is MOPA fiber. The versatility and the adjustable pulse duration of the MOPA fiber make it ideal for precise laser marking on painted or chrome-plated components.
The MOPA laser has all the advantages of traditional fiber (no maintenance, long life, and air cooling), plus its additional features make it perfect for marking plastic and metal.
Pad printing technology is currently widely used in the industry, but lasers are becoming increasingly popular because of the advantages they offer over the old method.

Pad printing paints must be continuously replaced, and waste materials require disposal. For a high-output line, this means very high costs.
Laser is the best technology from an environmental safety standpoint. Zero waste materials means fewer chemicals and hazardous substances.
Data Management:
Laser marking lets you manage the data changes via software, automatically generating serial numbers and sequences.
Prints and labels get damaged over time and codes or text become hard to read. This can negatively impact productivity and the company’s image.
Systems and accessories vary depending on the application. The 3-axis head is used for laser marking cylindrical components, such as pens or flasks. Rotary table machines are popular with our customers for their high output and for the ability to mark different parts with the same laser marker.
3D laser marking with the 3-axis head

The LASIT three-axis head is composed of a system of linear motors, two X and Y rotaries that allow the laser beam to be moved along the axes, and a third axis for focusing. The laser beam passes through a photographic objective equipped with a movable lens, which in turn is mounted on a linear side shifter. The FlyCAD software manages operation automatically.

The core of the 3-axis head is its optical design, which varies according to the type of application and the application requirements. The system can adapt to the size of the working field and the size of the required laser spot.
Scanning mirrors are positioned after the lenses of the photographic objective. The raw laser enters the optical system through the dynamic expansion lens. The photographic objective lenses re-draw the Gaussian beam formed by the dynamic expander lenses on the target plane.
The movement of the dynamic expander lenses through the linear side shifter changes the distance of the focal plane and therefore the dynamic focus. The mirrors (MX and MY) — which are located in the XY scanning module — bend the beam and direct it by angular deflection to scan the work plane.
This feature of the 3-axis head works especially well on water bottles, glasses, and other rounded items LASIT was one of the first manufacturers in the world to make this system in 1991.

The world's most productive laser marker
In 2020, LASIT shipped the world’s largest laser marker — the largest and one of the most complex projects we’ve ever taken on.
During a trade fair in Las Vegas, the client approached LASIT with a very specific set of project needs:
Promotional marking of different materials (plastic, metal, rubber)
Marking of approximately 45,000 pieces per day
Automation that could allow only three loading operations in a day

The customer’s initial idea was to purchase four laser markers. After an extensive R&D study, LASIT came up with another solution, and The Fly Gantry MAG project was born.
A high-output system featuring an integrated cabinet with 3 marking axes, 16 magazines (8 per side), and 208 loading pallets.
The system is integrated with a robot that moves in YZ, ensuring complete autonomy during loading, pallet recognition, positioning, marking, and unloading.
A cabinet containing one 50W MOPA fiber laser and one 30W CO2 laser, which make the marker extremely versatile.
Custom software that regulates all automation.
The laser marker has 3 operating modes
Fully automatic
The operator loads the components on the magazines and starts the cycle. The YZ Robot selects the pallet and moves it to the marking cabinet. While the laser marks the first pallet, the robot moves to the second pallet. No time is wasted between cycles.
The operator selects an empty pallet and loads it with the components when the YZ Robot moves the pallet to the laser marking cabinet. While the cycle is in progress, the operator can request and load another pallet.
The YZ Robot is deactivated, and the operator manually loads the pallets directly from the marker’s front door. This cycle takes longer, but allows you to load larger and heavier components not suited to traditional pallets designed for small promotional gifts.

Laser marking on pens: automation and productivity.
PenFeeder is an automatic system for laser marking cylindrical components. It was first manufactured to mark pens automatically. However, its automation means it can adapt to different types of cylindrical parts. It is ideal if you need to complete large production volumes and large cycles in the same day.
The fully automated system requires minimal manual input by the operator. Pens are loaded disordered in the magazine and PenFeeder uses specially designed V-shaped fins to independently arrange them on the chains.
The Lift and Rotation system then moves the pens in order to align the clips, ensuring work precision and time optimization until the next step.
The Marking and Rotation system allows for automatic 360° pen rotation, moving the pens so the entire circumference can be marked.
Our advantages
Sole supplier
No intermediary, from design to realization
PROFIBUS protocols,
Integrations with MES / ERP systems
Industry 4.0
Business database interaction for industry 4.0
Vision system
Automatic centering, 2D code verification and grading, OCR recognition
Laser system
For every application and integration in production chains